Appointment of NASUWT Representatives

The NASUWT is a democratic organisation run by teachers elected by their colleagues to represent them. This is true from every NASUWT Representative to the National Executive Members and National Officers.

Each year, usually in May/June, a meeting of members in the school should be called and nominations for school-based Union positions requested:

  • NASUWT Representative;
  • Assistant Representative;

  • Health and Safety Representative; and

  • Learning Representative.

If there is more than one nomination for a position, a ballot should be held.

Once elected, the NASUWT Representative should inform:

Every elected and registered NASUWT Representative will be issued with an official card valid for one academic year. This card accredits the Representative as the individual within the school entitled to speak collectively on behalf of NASUWT members.

The law requires additional accreditation for those representing members in disciplinary or grievance hearings on the advice of their Local Association Secretary. The NASUWT issues two levels of accreditation, which are gained by attending appropriate NASUWT training. Please contact your Local Association Secretary in case of non-receipt.

Upon completion of an NASUWT Workplace Representatives course, accreditation as an NASUWT Representative is issued and upon completion of an NASUWT Representatives: Casework course and a Discrimination Casework course, accreditation as a Casework Representative is issued.

Aim to elect a Deputy NASUWT Representative within your school.