The NASUWT has consulted with North West Academies Trust (NWAT) on a number of policies. The following policies have been agreed:

  • Anti-harassment and bullying policy;
  • Employee guidance;
  • Equality policy; and
  • Whistleblowing policy.

The following lists policies consulted on, but not agreed, with key areas of disagreement:

  • Capability policy - the timescales stated in the policy are too short.
  • Appraisal policy - there is no assumption that standards are being met unless evidence to the contrary exists and drop-ins, planning scrutinies, and pupil progress count towards the overall assessment.
  • Disciplinary policy - there are only two sanctions available, rather than 3, and ‘management notes’ remain live forever.
  • Grievance policy – this policy lacks detail, particularly around collective grievances.
  • Sickness policy - the procedure for dealing with long-term sickness absence is vague and there are no defined timescales.
  • Pay policy - there are many issues with the pay policy, the key ones being that the Trust does not award TLRs and expects UPS teachers to take responsibilities and pay portability does not apply.
  • Stress policy - this is too reactive rather than proactive.