The NASUWT meets with the Co-operative Academies Trust regularly. A Trade Union Recognition Agreement was updated and agreed by the NASUWT in September 2019. (See right/below.)

The Co-operative Academies Trust follows the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) and the Burgundy Book.

The Co-operative Academies Trust schools

The Co-operative Academies Trust includes 24 schools and is continuing to expand. The Trust now has two hubs which are situated in Manchester and Leeds.


The Co-operative Academies Trust Joint Negotiating and Consultative Committee (JCNC) is consulting on updating HR policies.

Pay claims

The NASUWT submitted a pay claim to the Trust in respect of the cost of living uplift 2019/20. The Trust has agreed to pay all teachers on all pay scales the 2.75% uplift recommended by the STPCD.