The NASUWT stands in unity with the people of Ukraine and the international community in condemning the illegal invasion and military action by Russia in Ukraine.
The NASUWT stands with the people of Ukraine and Russia who strive for peace, democracy and security.
The NASUWT stands in solidarity with the teachers, students, and people of Ukraine in calling for peace, democracy, security, and respect for human and trade union rights in Ukraine.
The NASUWT stands with our trade union sisters and brothers in Ukraine and with teachers in Ukraine and we extend our solidarity and support to the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine (TUESWU) and the Free Trade Union of Education and Science of Ukraine (VPONU) in their efforts to protect children’s right to education.
The NASUWT further extends our solidarity to trade unions across Europe and the world who are working to secure peace, democracy and human rights and to provide vital humanitarian support and assistance to the people of Ukraine and those who have been displaced.
The NASUWT calls on the UK Government to play its part in providing humanitarian assistance and support to the people of Ukraine who are being forcibly displaced as a consequence of Russian military invasion, including the provision of safe passage to the UK.
The NASUWT further calls on the international community to work together to ensure the right of all children and adults to safe education in a peaceful learning environment.
The NASUWT urges the international community to commit to take action against those who incite or perpetrate attacks on education institutions, facilities or teachers and to bring those culpable to justice.
General Secretary’s letter calling for humanitarian assistance for Ukraine

Visa routes and funding
See the bulletin below for detail of the different eligibility and funding characteristics for the two UK visa schemes for Ukrainian refugees:
Homes for Ukraine; and
Families for Ukraine.