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Members of NASUWT - The Teachers’ Union will take strike action In Northern Ireland on Thursday 18 January 2024 over the failure to offer teachers and further education lecturers a fair and decent pay award.

The strike action follows a half day strike in schools on the 21 February, a full day on the 26 April, and a half day on the 29 November.

NASUWT members in Northern Ireland’s further education colleges will join their school teacher colleagues in taking strike action.

NASUWT members in schools and FE colleges are already taking action short of strike action. The Union has now announced a full day of strike in furtherance of our campaigns for a Better Deal for Teachers and Lecturers.

Dr Patrick Roach, NASUWT General Secretary, said:

“Yet again, teachers and lecturers in Northern Ireland are having to take to the picket line in protest to highlight that their pay has now fallen far behind that of their counterparts in the rest of the UK. Three years without a pay increase is intolerable and NASUWT members across the UK are fully behind our members in Northern Ireland as they fight for a better deal for teachers and lecturers.

“Given that the UK government has finally acknowledged that Northern Ireland’s public services are underfunded and have begun to address the shortfall, it is incumbent on them to ensure that teachers and lecturers in Northern Ireland do not suffer any further.”

Justin McCamphill, NASUWT National Official Northern Ireland, said:

“Last week the Independent Review of Education in Northern Ireland raised major concerns in relation to the ongoing funding crisis. Education in Northern Ireland must be funded at the same level as the rest of the UK while ensuring that funding matches the needs of our children and young people.

“Teachers and lecturers should not be used as political pawns. Teachers fully support the return of a devolved government and believe that a restored Executive is best placed to address how Northern Ireland’s long-term finances are supported by the UK government.  However, teachers need to be paid now.”


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