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School Meals

Commenting on the First Minister’s announcement on the legislative programme for the forthcoming year, Dr Patrick Roach, General Secretary of NASUWT-The Teachers’ Union, said:
“We welcome the First Minister’s comments that eradicating child poverty is his top priority. The scourge of poverty, as every teacher knows, has an impact on virtually every aspect of a child’s development, educational attainment and behaviour.
“However, while his statement has heavy on commitments to reduce and tackle poverty levels among school age and early years children it was light on detail on how this will actually be achieved in practice. The time to turn the political rhetoric into reality is now overdue.”
Mike Corbett, NASUWT Scotland National Official, said:
“It is difficult to square the First Minister’s stated focus on eradicating child poverty with the decision to drop the commitment to introducing universal free school meals.
“We know there are many struggling families who do not qualify for free school meals whose children will now miss out.
“Ensuring all children get a nutritious free meal each day would have both educational benefits and ensure that no child goes hungry. It would represent an investment in the wellbeing of our children now and offer rewards long into the future. We urge the Scottish Government to reconsider this move.” 


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