TNC 2020/01 came into operation on 28th April 2020. This TNC document makes the provisions of the agreement reached between trade unions and management side a full part of teachers' terms and conditions of employment in grant-aided schools.

As part of the agreement the period to the beginning of the 2020/21 academic year was identified as a transition period during which time budgets would be produced for each teacher for the 2020/21 school year.

The agreement placed an onus on the Education Authority (EA) and employing authorities to produce guidance, training and support for schools on time budgets and the revised working practices in the agreement.

The advice to schools on time budgets can be accessed in the link on the right/below.

Members should read the advice carefully in conjunction with the TNC 2020/01 Agreement Between Management and Trade Union Side of the Teachers’ Negotiating Committee (pdf) which will form their conditions of service until and if any future change is agreed as part of the nine reviews identified in the agreement.