Please note - the form below can be submitted multiple times to nominate for more than one position. Please refresh the page if you want to reload it.

Join your Local Association team

Members of NASUWT who are serving teachers represent, support and advise other members of the Union. Annually, you can elect your Local Association Officers and Executive Committee, who meet between General Meetings to carry out the business of NASUWT in your Local Association.

Elections are being held for the following posts:

  • Secretary

  • Vice-secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Vice-president

Please note, all vacant roles listed above have a term of office that starts immediately upon announcement of the result of the election until the end of the 2024/25 academic year.

For all of these roles, the NASUWT provides support, advice and training.

In the event of nominations for more candidates than posts available, the national Union will administer a ballot of members. Further information about the roles members can take up in NASUWT Local Associations can be found on our Local Elections web page.

It is now possible to be elected into a local role on a role-share basis. Please find further details and a role share framework form on our Job Sharing as a Local Lay Activist web page.

Would you like to stand for nomination?

Simply fill in the nominee details on the form below.

A member of the Local Association should then propose you and another member needs to second you by completing the other parts of the form.

Return your completed nomination form with the documents specified on the form to Kyran Whiteland by 3 May 2024.

Alternatively, you might want to nominate another NASUWT member.

Gibraltar Association re-run - elections 2024/25

Elections are being held for the following posts:

  • Secretary

  • Vice-secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Vice-president

  • Executive Committee Member (one position)

Single or role-share nominations can be made on this form. A form for submitting multiple nominations can be found on our Local Elections web page.

Nomination forms should be sent to the Local Association President care of Kyran Whiteland to be received no later than 3 May 2024.

Nominees, proposers and seconders must be a fully paid up members of NASUWT and a member of the Local Association or a delegate to the Federation to which this election pertains. Nominees must not hold or intend to seek to hold office in any other teachers’ union or association.

If your nomination is for Local/Negotiating/Federation Secretary, President or Vice-president, please provide a copy of a salary slip from within the last 12 months, showing a payment that clearly indicates it is for employment to teach, lecture or instruct. It is acceptable to redact the amount of money you earn and your tax code.

Eligibility to stand in this election is governed by the Rules of the Union.