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Inspection education scrutiny magnifying glass BANNER

Commenting on reports that the process of school inspection in Scotland is to be fundamentally reviewed, Dr Patrick Roach, General Secretary of the NASUWT-The Teachers’ Union, said:
“We welcome any opportunity to review the inspection process provided there is a genuine commitment from Education Scotland and from the Scottish Government to address the faults within the current system.

“Inspection should be a supportive, developmental process which helps teachers on the front line to reflect and enables schools to secure the necessary conditions that enable teachers to teach and for pupils to achieve their potential.

“We look forward to working with the Chief Inspector to discuss how this review can contribute to achieving a more fit-for purpose inspection system that works in the best interests of the teaching profession, pupils and parents.”

Mike Corbett, NASUWT National Official Scotland, said:
“The Interim Chief Inspectors’ comments about wanting to foster dialogue and collaboration with the profession are welcome and we will be holding her to this commitment.

“Teachers’ views and experiences must be central to this review if it is to succeed in laying the foundations for the Interim Chief Inspector’s ambition of a world-class inspection system.

“It is to be hoped that this review does not suffer from the same delays which have characterised the wider education reform plans.

“Teachers want to see change. Not least because the current system has encouraged an overly bureaucratic culture in schools which has driven up teachers’ workloads and which distracts them from focusing on the needs of pupils.

“The Interim Chief Inspector must now convince the profession she is ready to listen to them and act on this and other concerns and move ahead with building a new inspection system which is capable of commanding the trust and respect of the profession, parents and the wider public.”


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