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Starting Out - About the NASUWT Putting Teachers First 2 Scotland

Commenting on the situation regarding RAAC in schools NASUWT General Secretary Patrick Roach said:

“We are calling on the Scottish Government to urgently take steps to assess the safety of the schools estate. We need to be clear about which buildings may be affected by RAAC and what plans are in place to ensure childrens’ education faces minimum disruption if their schools and classrooms are found to be unsafe.

“We need to see urgent action and an immediate survey of school buildings to get an accurate picture of the situation in Scotland.

“Parents, pupils and school staff need reassurance and deserve leadership to ensure their safety remains the highest priority.”

NASUWT National Official Scotland Mike Corbett said:

“Nothing is more important than ensuring the safety of children and the staff who work in our schools.

“Children and young people should not be facing the prospect of having their education disrupted as a result of lack of investment and foresight from the Scottish Government.

“Ministers must as a matter of urgency commence a programme of school building surveys to ensure we can have a detailed picture of the number of schools that are affected.”


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