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Commenting on reports that RAAC has been found in a school in Northern Ireland,  Dr Patrick Roach, General Secretary of NASUWT-The Teachers’ Union, said:

“Today’s news was inevitable given that RAAC has been found in schools in England, Scotland and Wales. The most important thing now is to get to the bottom of how many schools may be affected and complete the survey of school buildings as quickly as possible.

“Parents, pupils and school staff need reassurance to ensure safety remains the highest priority.”

NASUWT National Official Northern Ireland Justin McCamphill, said:

“Nothing is more important than ensuring the safety of children and the staff who work in our schools.
“Children and young people should not be facing the prospect of having their education disrupted as a result of lack of investment by the Executive in Northern Ireland’s schools.

“Officials must, as a matter of urgency, take all steps to ensure we have a detailed picture of the situation as soon as possible.”


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