The Government’s delay in issuing a remit to the School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB) is a deliberate stunt to delay publication of the pay review body’s recommendations prior to the General Election, NASUWT General Secretary Dr Patrick Roach said today.
The Union has written to Education Secretary Gillian Keegan outlining its concerns and demanding that the Government honour its commitment to bring forward the timing of the pay review body process.
Dr Roach said: “Gillian Keegan said in the summer that she was committed to bringing forward the timing of the STRB process. That was the deal she reached over teachers’ pay, but she now wants to back-track by further delaying the pay review body process.
“The Government’s actions are doing serious harm to the reputation of the STRB process. Delaying the process will create uncertainty for schools who need the timing of the process to be aligned with the school budget cycle, allowing them to plan for each financial year.
“Our concern is the government has decided to delay the pay review body process to avoid the potential for a public fallout ahead of the next general election.
“Ministers must ensure that the remit letter is issued to the STRB as a matter of priority so that the next report is issued well in advance of the summer break.”