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Westminster Palace House Parliament Commons

Commenting on the Autumn Statement, NASUWT General Secretary Dr Patrick Roach said:

“Despite the Chancellor’s headline announcement of a 2% cut to employee National Insurance Contributions, today’s Autumn Statement will mean that schools, colleges and families are still expected to endure a further real terms squeeze on their budgets.

“A 2% cut to National Insurance Contributions may offer some relief, but will do little to recover the significant increases in cost of living pressures and hardship that many families continue to face.

“The overall tax burden for the majority of teachers will increase in real terms due to the continued freeze to income tax thresholds.

“The Government cannot expect teachers and other public sector workers to continue to pay the price for 13 years of economic failure.

“Teachers and school and college leaders are already working flat out to secure high standards of education for pupils, when budgets are already under considerable pressure, and without the extra resources and support they need from the Government.

“It is deplorable that no additional funding to fix our crumbling school buildings or to deliver the investment needed to end the deepening teacher recruitment and retention crisis.

“Whilst the Chancellor promised an Autumn Statement for growth, the Government has failed to deliver the investment needed to support schools and colleges to deliver the world class education children and young people deserve.”



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