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Strike action bibs flags Northern Ireland

NASUWT - The Teachers’ Union has congratulated Paul Givan on his appointment as Minister of Education and Conor Murphy on his appointment as Minister for the Economy. The NASUWT represents teachers who come under the remit of the Department of Education and Further Education lecturers who come under the Department for the Economy.
Dr Patrick Roach, NASUWT General Secretary, said:

“The NASUWT congratulates both ministers as they take up office today. They have a lot to catch up on, but their first priority must be delivering on a pay increase for teachers and lecturers.
“Our members support the call from the Independent Review of Education to establish a single department for the whole educational journey. It is now incumbent on both Ministers to work with the Executive to make this happen.”
Justin McCamphill, NASUWT National Official Northern Ireland, said:
“Teachers and lecturers recognise the efforts taken by politicians to restore government in Northern Ireland and acknowledge that this was a hard step for some, but one that had to be taken in the interests of all our citizens.
“However, teachers and lecturers have waited long enough. Both Ministers must meet with the recognised unions with a view to delivering a significant pay increase that puts money in our members’ pockets by the end of February.
“Both Ministers must address the years of neglect in their departments, but the Minister of Employment must urgently work with unions to rebuild the collective bargaining machinery to remove the deadlock which has persisted for too long in further education.”


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