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White female pupil writing with children and male teacher in background

Commenting on the publication of the results of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study for 2022, Dr Patrick Roach, General Secretary of NASUWT - The Teachers' Union, said:

"It is beyond doubt that children and young people across the UK have continued to benefit from high-quality educational provision thanks to the dedication, skill and professionalism of their teachers and school leaders. They should be applauded for their incredible work and better recognised and rewarded for their efforts, too.

“However, the achievements reported by the OECD have been possible despite and not because of the actions of the Government, which has presided over a deepening crisis in our schools. These achievements could have been even greater if the Government had taken the actions needed to tackle causes of the worst teacher recruitment and retention crisis we have seen in living memory – one that continues to place the future of the UK's education systems at unacceptable risk.      

"Whilst the PISA studies provide a rich source of data and information that countries should examine, the OECD also make clear that it is not possible to use the results of these studies to draw hard and fast conclusions about the performance of education systems relative to others.

"Ministers seeking to take credit for the country’s position in the 'PISA league table' should so do with caution.

“It is abundantly clear that whilst teachers and school leaders are delivering for pupils, the Government is failing to invest and deliver the support that our schools need.”


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