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Mike Corbett - NASUWT Scotland National Official BANNER

Commenting on the publication of the Education Workforce Modelling and Research report, NASUWT National Official Scotland Mike Corbett said:

“While welcoming the publication of this report, which may help to rejuvenate stalled discussions on the long-promised reduction in class contact time, NASUWT has serious reservations about it.

“It is notable for the lack of data and research it provides on the recruitment and retention of teachers, localised contexts and the size and operation of the supply teacher workforce.

“Without these, any decision-making is not fully informed and NASUWT requests that the Scottish Government swiftly commission or produce relevant research data in these areas to aid discussions.”

“The NASUWT remains fully committed to achieving the promised 90-minute reduction in class contact time and for it to be dedicated to teacher preparation and correction. Three years on from the promise being made, we remain willing to discuss and negotiate its implementation with employers and Scottish Government.

“In the meantime, we repeat the request we recently made to the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, that she should encourage employers to immediately address many of the key drivers of teacher workload which NASUWT has shared with her, such as forward planning in primary schools, over-assessment in the secondary sector, bureaucratic tracking and monitoring procedures and unwieldy School Improvement Plans.”


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