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Schools and employers need to do more to protect teachers from the risk of suspension and possible criminalisation in tackling poor pupil behaviour, members of NASUWT-The Teachers’ Union, will argue at the Union’s Scotland Annual Conference today (Friday).

NASUWT members at the Conference in Aberdeen will call for the Scottish Government and employers to recognise the vulnerability of teachers to allegations from pupils and parents and to take steps to ensure adequate safeguards, guidance and support are in place for staff.

Dr Patrick Roach, NASUWT General Secretary, said:

“Of course it is vitally important that teachers act responsibly, lawfully and safely in all their interactions with pupils.

“However, there is clear concern from teachers that they do not always receive the backing they need from school leaders and employers in implementing school policies on behaviour.

“This leaves teachers vulnerable to allegations from pupils and parents, which in some cases can result in lengthy suspensions and even criminal charges. The impact on the teacher can be devastating and often career ending, even if they are eventually found to have done nothing wrong.”

Mike Corbett, NASUWT Scotland National Official, said:

“The NASUWT is clear that every allegation made against a teacher must be investigated and action taken where there is evidence to suggest there is a case to answer. However, this must be balanced with a greater duty of care to staff facing investigations arising from their implementation of school policies on pupil behaviour and conduct.

“Greater guidance is needed from the Scottish Government to help schools avoid such scenarios and ensure that schools are safe places for both pupils to learn in and teachers to work in.”


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