NASUWT Approved - what does it mean?

NASUWT works for members at all stages of their career and in all aspects of their life. That’s why the Union offers a range of services specially chosen with teachers in mind.

To help members identify the companies that the Union is able to specifically recommend, it has introduced a series of ‘NASUWT Approved’ standards. If a company can demonstrate that it meets these standards the Union will consider appending its ‘NASUWT Approved’ logo to their advertising and communications with members.

These standards can be summarised as follows:


The company has a track record of providing an efficient, professional and friendly service to NASUWT members and has regular review meetings with the Union.


The company has sound financial backing and has made a long-term commitment to working with the Union.


The company is committed to the principles of equality in employment and member products and services.

On your side

The company understands NASUWT and the specific career and lifestyle needs of its members.


The company offers a competitive range of quality products designed to meet the needs of members.

Protected data

The company meets NASUWT’s stringent requirements for confidentiality of members’ data.

Wherever you see the ‘NASUWT Approved’ logo, you can be confident that the Union has an excellent relationship with the company and that it is happy to endorse their services.